Classes, Workshops and Retreats
- Techniques to foster authentic dialogue, participant engagement, meaningful deliberations, discussion of the “elephant in the room”
- Strategies to empower groups to make productive decisions
- Fully Customizable Workshop and Retreat Themes:
- Board Assessment & Development
- Accelerating Board Diversity and Inclusion (Presented as a workshop at Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits’ Conference on Nonprofit Law & Finance in March 2019.)
- Building a Strong Board/CEO Partnership: Select, Support and Evaluate Your CEO
- Possibilities and Opportunities: Raising More Money at Your Next Fundraising Event (Presented as three-hour workshops for Perry High School Alumni Association in April 2015 and Neighbors Along the Line in February 2015.)
- Principles for Effective and Ethical Boards and Board Self-Assessment Surveys (Our most popular board retreat theme!)
- Principles for Ethical and Effective Nonprofit Governance
- Roles and Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards (based on BoardSource’s The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance)
- Strengthening Your Board’s Performance: Governance Committee Tools
- Unconscious Bias
- Creating the Platinum Rule Workplace: Eight Strategies for Disrupting Your Unconscious Biases (Presented as a workshop at the Oklahoma Human Resources Conference in April 2021.)
- Disrupting Unconscious Bias in Your Workplace [Presented as eight-hour (four two-hour sessions) virtual workshops for Oklahoma Public School Resource Center, YWCA Tulsa, CAE USA Human Resources Department, Educare – Kendall-Whittier, and Hospice of Green Country.)
- Words Matter: Using Inclusive Language in Your Workplace (Co-presented as virtual workshops for Association for Talent Development Tulsa Chapter’s June 2020 Program, Prodigy & Co and Tulsa Tech – Popcorn Series June 25, 2020 Program, Southern Gas Association Spring Conference in September 2020, and Central Oklahoma Chapter Association for Talent Development’s October 2020 Program.)
- Eight Tips for Strengthening Your Workplace Relationships with Inclusive Language (Presented as a 45-minute virtual workshop for Association of Fundraising Professionals Eastern Oklahoma Chapter’s October Member Meeting. Presented as a 1-hour virtual workshop for Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits on January 29, 2021 and the Return on Inclusion Summit on February 25, 2021.)
- Meeting Culture Matters: Strengthen Your Workplace Relationships with Inclusive Meetings (Presented as a 1.5-hour workshop for the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Summer Workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation in San Diego, CA on June 14, 2023)
- Organization Assessment & Development
- Perfect Fit: Attributes of an Effective Icebreaker (Presented as a one-hour workshop for Central Oklahoma Chapter – Association for Talent Development September 2016 Program Meeting.)
- Three Tools for Your Team Building Toolbox from Unconscious Bias Training (Presented as an interactive 1.5-hour virtual workshop for Tulsa Regional Chamber’s Mosaic – Nonprofit Practitioners Group on November 5, 2020.)
- Team Building Toolbox (Presented as a three-hour workshop for the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits in February 2015.)
- The Collaboration Tool in Your Team Toolbox – Ground Rules (Presented as a workshop for the Association for Talent Development (ATD) Oklahoma Statewide Conference in October 2014.)
- Crafting Community Agreements to Strengthen Team Cohesion
- Strategic Planning
- Effective Strategic Planning Techniques
- Strategic Planning Process Overview
- Attribute Checklists: Crafting Dynamic Mission and Vision Statements (Presented as a BoardSource webinar in November 2014.)
- Effective Practices for Crafting Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Core Values Statements
- Board Assessment & Development
Contact us today to discuss the needs of your nonprofit organization and how we can help.